Also how would you chain throws together? Chain wrestling outside of a wrestler like Zack Sabre Junior isn’t used that much especially in the WWE so combos stop being a big part of the game. And with the emphasis on grappling which requires close distance the neutral game with pokes and distancing becomes less important. Since wrestling is obviously oriented around grappling and submissions over strikes you either have to map throws to single button inputs instead of strikes or the player is forever having to input combinations to do the equivalent of a single attack which would get tiresome quickly in my opinion. For example 2D fighters usually have their grapples as either command throws or button combinations like pressing the punch and kick buttons together. Things I’ve already mentioned like three counts/tap outs instead of health bars, button inputs and interacting with the environment would require some serious thought to incorporate. Moving into your question I think a 2D fighter wrestling game would have to seriously alter some fundamental genre mechanics to feel like a wrestling game rather than a 2D fighter with a Zangief/Hugo/grappler heavy roster. Basically strategy should triumph button mashing or cheap exploits and the gameplay should feel like wrestling with you having to constantly make decisions on the fly and have a high input per second ratio rather than looking like wrestling while you press a couple of buttons once a while and spend most of your time watching animations play out. I’ve always wanted a wrestling game to have the depth of fighting games, not necessarily following the mechanics of the genre like health bars, having complicated inputs to do moves and being strike oriented but things like positioning to your opponent, the ring itself and stances should matter. Question - Ask the FGC about specific things happening in the community, or ask for advice.Topic - Debatable subjects surrounding the FGC, that can bring healthy discussions.Offline locals, online groups and servers, etc. Community - Initiatives made by the FGC.Event - News surrounding fighting game tournaments and gatherings, both online and offline.Content - All sorts of medias, made by and for the FGC.Trailers, teasers, announcements, sales, etc. News - Official announcements, made and endorsed by the creators and publishers of the game.

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